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“Lifting As We Climb” - Challenging Colorism & Engaging an Anti-Racist Framework as POC 

Through collective sharing, problem-solving, and community-building this series aims to explicitly address and elucidate the connection between the social location of educators of color and the broader scope of anti-racist pedagogy/praxis. 


*Materials shared with attendees and derived during the course of the series will be curated in a living repository for all to contribute to and draw from.



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9/4 - 9/5 | 12pm-1:30pm (CST)



Zoom meeting link

Day 1: “Sharing Narratives - Experiences”

The framework for this conversation involves the sharing of experiences and/or expertise regarding relevant tough situations we’ve encountered as POC who are also:

  • Educators/Teachers (i.e. in the classroom)

  • Scholars/Researchers (i.e. in our research)

  • Members of the academy (i.e. in academic spaces writ-large, including those in which we’ve been students)

Day 2: “Workshopping Resources & Collective Problem-Solving” & “Building up”

Through discussion/platicas the group will identify 2 to 3 elements derived from our collective experiences and expertise to develop as starting points for the day 2 workshop

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